Personalized Services For Injuries And Criminal Charges In Oregon
The attorneys of Usera & Snow, P. C.
Usera & Snow, P. C.

Year: 2018

There are many signs of drowsy driving: Don’t ignore them

Drowsy driving is extremely dangerous, as it makes it difficult to focus on the road ahead and make split-second decisions that can help prevent an accident. Furthermore, drowsy driving can also lead to you falling asleep at the wheel, which almost always leads to an accident. It doesn’t matter if you’re close to home or tackling the open highway hundreds…

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Truck accident causes: Knowledge is power

There are many potential causes of truck accidents — all of which could put you in a compromising position at some point. You hope that you’re never part of a truck accident, but there is only so much you can do to protect yourself. Knowing the common causes of truck accidents can help keep you safe, as this knowledge allows…

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Was the Oregon driver that hit you distracted?

It’s dangerous to drive on Oregon roadways nowadays, as with most other highways in the nation. Posted speed limits allow you to travel much faster than you could a decade ago, which might come in handy when you’re pressed for time and late for a business luncheon, but can also make it quite difficult to avoid collision if a distracted…

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