Personalized Services For Injuries And Criminal Charges In Oregon
The attorneys of Usera & Snow, P. C.
Usera & Snow, P. C.

Wrongful Death And Catastrophic Injuries

Do teen passengers raise fatal crash risks for teen drivers?

Because Oregon’s teenage drivers lack the driving experience that older motorists have, they need to exercise extreme care every time they get behind the wheel. Part of the responsibility of driving involves learning how to avoid distractions. Research shows that teen passengers are a frequent source of distraction for young drivers. According to AAA Newsroom, teen drivers find themselves involved…

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What makes an injury catastrophic?

A catastrophic injury can turn your life upside down. One minute you could have ambitious dreams for the future and the next moment you might have a machine keeping you alive. Understanding what factors categorize an injury as “catastrophic,” may help you identify your next steps. Adequate support, targeted therapy and ongoing medical treatment might help you learn how to…

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3 tips for caring for a loved one with a TBI

The long-term care of people with traumatic brain injuries often falls to their loved ones. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, five years after their injuries, 33% of those with traumatic brain injuries need help with their daily activities and 57% have a moderate or severe disability. Understanding how to go about helping those with brain injuries…

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How does the price of a funeral impact a wrongful death case?

Dealing with a wrongful death includes a lot of moving parts, including all the logistics surrounding the usual process of death. On top of the unexpected grief, you may find yourself at the center of planning for your loved one’s funeral. Handling the financial costs of a funeral may exacerbate the emotional costs of all this stress. When you understand…

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Who can file a wrongful death lawsuit in Oregon?

If you have lost someone due to the negligence, recklessness or malice of another person, you may be wondering how to hold that person accountable. Filing a wrongful death suit can be an option in these circumstances but it is a complicated process. Who can file? Typically, those who file a wrongful death lawsuit are surviving spouses, parents and children.…

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What are treatment options for traumatic brain injuries?

You suffered several injuries during your car accident. Doctors recently diagnosed you with a traumatic brain injury (TBI), and your treatment affects your legal case. Mayo Clinic explains how medical professionals treat TBIs. Learn how to recover from catastrophic injuries and build your case. Mild injury treatment If you have a mild brain injury, you may only need over-the-counter pain…

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What do you know about spinal cord injury treatment options?

After a catastrophic injury, medical professionals diagnosed you with a spinal cord injury. You know you have a legal case, but you may not know what the road to recovery looks like for a severe injury. Mayo Clinic breaks down spinal cord injury treatment options. Determine which course of action to consider for your legal case. Early treatment When patients…

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How do doctors diagnose a herniated disc?

After a recent car collision, you have several injuries to sort out to build your personal injury case against the responsible party. You suspect you have a herniated disc, but how do you know for sure? Mayo Clinic describes how physicians determine if a patient has a herniated disc. Learn which diagnosis options to discuss with your doctor. Physical exam…

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How are serious burn injuries treated?

Serious burn injuries damage bodily tissue via contact through flames, heat, radiation, or electricity. According to the Cleveland Clinic, emergency rooms treat nearly 500,000 patients for burns every year. While first and second-degree burns usually cause only minor effects, third-degree burns are far more serious. In this case, burns will affect all three layers of the skin. Severe burn injuries…

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