Personalized Services For Injuries And Criminal Charges In Oregon
The attorneys of Usera & Snow, P. C.
Usera & Snow, P. C.

Year: 2021

What are signs of burned-out truck drivers?

Commercial truck drivers provide valuable services by transporting heavy loads across Oregon and throughout the rest of the United States. However, driving a commercial truck can entail long hours and multiple shifts. Some truckers may become burned out, which could be a problem for other drivers. You might recognize signs of a burned-out truck driver if you know what to…

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How does the price of a funeral impact a wrongful death case?

Dealing with a wrongful death includes a lot of moving parts, including all the logistics surrounding the usual process of death. On top of the unexpected grief, you may find yourself at the center of planning for your loved one’s funeral. Handling the financial costs of a funeral may exacerbate the emotional costs of all this stress. When you understand…

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3 tips to stay safe when you drive during the wintertime

Driving in the cold and snow can be a recipe for disaster if you are not careful or get distracted for a minute. Because wintertime driving requires extra vigilance, knowing some safety tips can improve your experience. Preparing for wet, slick roads and reduced visibility can help you feel more confident. This confidence may improve your ability to respond to…

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Who can file a wrongful death lawsuit in Oregon?

If you have lost someone due to the negligence, recklessness or malice of another person, you may be wondering how to hold that person accountable. Filing a wrongful death suit can be an option in these circumstances but it is a complicated process. Who can file? Typically, those who file a wrongful death lawsuit are surviving spouses, parents and children.…

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What are treatment options for traumatic brain injuries?

You suffered several injuries during your car accident. Doctors recently diagnosed you with a traumatic brain injury (TBI), and your treatment affects your legal case. Mayo Clinic explains how medical professionals treat TBIs. Learn how to recover from catastrophic injuries and build your case. Mild injury treatment If you have a mild brain injury, you may only need over-the-counter pain…

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How auto insurance protects drivers and passengers in Oregon

Motor vehicle accidents happen every day on Oregon roads. In addition to expensive property damage, these accidents also result in serious personal injuries to vehicle occupants and pedestrians. Auto insurance plays a key role in protecting accident victims from financial hardships. The safety net of insurance Bankrate explains the risks drivers face when they take to Oregon roads without insurance.…

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What do you know about spinal cord injury treatment options?

After a catastrophic injury, medical professionals diagnosed you with a spinal cord injury. You know you have a legal case, but you may not know what the road to recovery looks like for a severe injury. Mayo Clinic breaks down spinal cord injury treatment options. Determine which course of action to consider for your legal case. Early treatment When patients…

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What kind of fractures can result from a motorcycle accident?

While riding a motorcycle is a very fun and freeing experience, you do face a risk of serious injury. This is especially true when sharing the road with careless drivers, who might not notice your motorcycle until it is too late. While many types of injuries can accompany motorcycle accidents, fractures are particularly common. According to the Cleveland Clinic, bone…

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