It is important to follow the rules of the road, no matter what kind of vehicle you are operating. It is especially important when driving a motorcycle, however, as you have less protection around you during cases of impact. Motorcyclists are 35% more likely to receive injuries during an accident than drivers of other vehicles.
For one man in Roseburg, his high rate of speed proved fatal in a recent accident in Oregon.
Excessive speed plays part in motorcycle fatality
According to KQEN News Radio, a motorcyclist died on Highway 138 during an accident with a sedan. The investigation reveals that the 28-year-old driver of the motorcycle was westbound on the highway and driving at a high rate of speed. The 21-year-old driver of the sedan involved in the accident was heading eastbound and was in the process of turning into a parking area. The motorcyclist hit the front right of the sedan and ejected from his motorcycle upon impact.
Emergency responders declared the motorcyclist deceased at the scene of the accident. The passengers in the sedan went to Mercy Medical Center due to potential injuries.
The investigators note that the motorcyclist was wearing a helmet at the time of the crash. The speed at which he was going, however, is a contributing factor in his death. All passengers in the sedan were wearing seatbelts.
Oregon statistics show that the highest risk for motorcycle accidents are males in their teens and twenties. It is interesting to note, however, that young motorcycle riders typically exceed young passenger car drivers when it comes to safety.