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Usera & Snow, P. C.

Motorcycle collisions and fog

On Behalf of | Nov 6, 2020 | Motorcycle Accidents

Fog can lead to a number of concerns with respect to road safety. If you ride a motorcycle, it is especially important to recognize the risk factors associated with fog and other types of inclement weather (such as wind, ice and heavy rain). Sadly, many motorcycle crashes that occur during foggy conditions result in serious injuries or even the loss of life.

Riding a motorcycle is especially difficult when it is foggy and this is also true when it comes to driving a car in the fog. As a result, motorcyclists who ride in the fog also need to watch out for careless drivers, such as those who drive too fast or do not slow down around sharp turns.

How can fog affect a motorcyclist’s safety?

According to the Federal Highway Administration, fog presents various risks when it comes to the likelihood of a traffic accident. For starters, fog can severely affect a motoryclist’s ability to see the road as well as drivers’ visibility, leading to a potential accident. Because motorcycles are much smaller than cars and trucks, this places motorcyclists in an especially vulnerable position. Fog can also affect the flow of traffic as well as the behavior of drivers.

How can motorcyclists recover from a wreck?

Motorcyclists need to carefully review the details of a wreck at the accident scene and gather as much evidence as possible. For example, if you take legal action against a negligent driver, it is helpful to have the support of eyewitnesses and pictures you took at the accident scene. Aside from looking into your legal options, you need to focus on your physical and mental well-being and do what you can to recover. Sadly, some motorcycle wrecks lead to permanent hardships, such as lifelong immobility and mental trauma that never goes away.