Personalized Services For Injuries And Criminal Charges In Oregon
The attorneys of Usera & Snow, P. C.
Usera & Snow, P. C.

Year: 2019

3 essential vehicle safety features

Vehicle safety has evolved quite a bit over the years. Car buyers today are privy to a variety of safety features, such as blind-spot detection and lane departure alerts to keep them from drifting. Emerging technology may even use facial-recognition software to prevent drivers from falling asleep behind the wheel. While they are no substitute for safe driving behaviors, these features…

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Which teen drivers are most likely to crash?

Anyone who operates a vehicle faces the risk of colliding with another driver, but certain age groups face an especially high likelihood of crashing. For example, teenage drivers are involved in a large number of auto collisions, and among teens, there are certain groups who are particularly likely to become involved in a wreck. This post will review some of…

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Get help after suffering a catastrophic injury

Catastrophic injuries are injuries that have a major, life-changing effect on you. One of the most serious injuries to fall into this category is a spinal cord injury. Spinal cord injuries come in two forms, those that are complete (severed) and those that are incomplete. A complete injury cuts through the spinal cord, making any area below the point of…

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How can truck drivers prevent jackknifing accidents?

Trucks can cause accidents for many reasons, but one of the most dangerous is when a truck jackknifes. Commercial drivers are supposed to be trained to avoid this dangerous situation, which can occur when the trailer of the vehicle is moving more quickly than the cab. The term jackknife come from the shape a pocketknife makes when it folds. That…

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Attorneys Carl Amala and Jamie Usera Successfully Negotiate Settlement in Highly Disputed Wrongful Death Case

The trial team of Carl Amala and Jamie Usera successfully negotiated a highly disputed wrongful death case on behalf of the Estate of Karen Greenstein against the State of Oregon and others. Trial was scheduled to begin on August 13, 2019 in Medford. The case settled against the State of Oregon for $500,000, a store that sold beer to the…

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